
Using video on social media to connect with customers

Videos are easy to consume, they let your customers in, building familiarity and trust, and give you and your business a moving, talking voice and personality.

An image of a person videoing an event using a camera on a phone.

Whether it’s 20-second clips or a documentary style series, video is now seen as a must-have in any social media content plan.

But how can you and your business use video to connect with your customers on social?

Video within a wider plan

My opinion is that video must form part of a wider content plan across social media. It can’t be all video.

Your plan needs to incorporate all forms of content, suited to the channel it’s published on and the audience viewing it.

Be clear on how the video you are producing aligns with and helps you to achieve your overall business and social media goals.

Immerse your customers

The following example is one incredible way of how you can use video on socials to connect deeply with customers and bring them into your business.

Before you watch the video, though – two things:

  1. The Chicago Cubs have a beautiful stadium. But, whatever your business size and office space – even if you don’t have an office! – you can still produce breathtaking videos with the right creativity and budget.
  2. Yes, budget. The following video is an investment and the Cubs would’ve spent some money on this. However, social media videos don’t have to be polished, high quality productions – sometimes simple is best and I’ve worked on numerous successful video campaigns with a budget of £0.

The four-minute drone video was the Chicago Cubs’ way of honouring their fans at the end of the baseball season.

It captures the full experience of a game day at their Wrigley Field stadium.

From the train in, to the social spaces, the clubhouse and onto the park. The camera even goes into the scoreboard, which is my favourite part.

On Twitter alone the video has had eight million views, showing Wrigley Field like it’s never been seen before.

Video and your business on social media

Now think about video and your business.

Consider the spaces your business has; the people, the stories and the expertise within the company; and the experiences you provide.

  • The spaces: 20-second, TikTok-style video of some of the tech you have in your office
  • The people: Empower your people to take over your Stories, posting raw, first-person videos of their day-to-day work life
  • The stories: Documentary-style, five-minute case studies, telling one of your success stories with a customer – from first contact to now
  • The expertise: Monthly 60-second, key industry updates and predictions with your team members
  • The experiences: First-person videos with your customers – your story, service or product from their point of view

Make an enquiry with me to explore that question, discussing how your business can use video on social media to connect with customers.


Using video on social media

  • Video must form part of a wider content plan across social media
  • Be clear on how the videos you are producing align with your overall social media goals
  • Your videos must be suited to the channel they’re published on and the audience viewing them
  • Social media videos don’t have to be polished, high quality productions – sometimes simple is best
  • Consider this for your business: The spaces, the people, the stories, the expertise, and the experiences you provide
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